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Panel: Navigating Tenure & Promotion

as a Member of the BIPOC Community at a Predominantly White Institution

This panel will feature BIPOC NCCO members discussing their experiences in navigating the tenure and promotion process. What challenges are unique to BIPOC individuals in academia? How do you balance service, scholarship, and teaching, and what are the expectations in each area? What recommendations would you make to BIPOC junior faculty members and their peer evaluation committees?

The 75 minute session will include 50 minutes of panel discussion and 25 minutes of breakout time. The goal of the session is to foster dialogue and discussion between panelists and attendees.

  • Mariana Farah, University of Wisconsin-Madison, moderator
  • Anton Armstrong, St. Olaf College, NCCO9 Featured Artist
  • Felicia Barber, Westfield State University
  • Rollo Dilworth, Temple University
  • Nicolás Alberto Dosman, University of Southern Maine

SPEAKER: Mariana Farah

Mariana Farah

Mariana Farah is the new Director of Choral Activities at UW-Madison, where she will direct their top choirs and oversee all aspects of the choral program. Her research focuses on Brazilian choral music and she maintains an active schedule as a clinician in the U.S and abroad. Prior to her appointment at UW-Madison, Mariana was the Associate Director of Choral Activities at the University of Kansas. She also served as President Elect and R&R Chair for Multicultural Perspectives for SWACDA.

SPEAKER: Anton Armstrong

Anton Armstrong

Anton Armstrong, Tosdal Professor of Music at St. Olaf College, became the fourth conductor of the St. Olaf Choir in 1990 after ten years in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he served on the faculty of Calvin University and conducted the Grand Rapids Symphony Chorus. He is a graduate of St. Olaf College and earned advanced degrees at the University of Illinois (MM) and Michigan State University (DMA). He is editor of a multicultural choral series for Earthsongs Publications and co-editor (with John Ferguson) of the revised St. Olaf Choral Series for Augsburg Fortress Publishers. In June 1998, he began his tenure as founding conductor of the Oregon Bach Festival Stangeland Family Youth Choral Academy.

SPEAKER: Felicia Barber

Felicia Barber

Felicia Barber is the Director of Choral Activities at Westfield State University in Westfield, MA, where she conducts ensembles and teaches courses in conducting & choral methods. Dr. Barber's research includes teaching strategies, diversity initiatives, and the performance practice of African American Spirituals. Her book, A New Perspective for the Use of Dialect in African American Spirituals: History, Context, and Linguistics, will be released in 2021. She holds a B.M., M.M., and Ph.D.

SPEAKER: Rollo Dilworth

Rollo Dilworth

Rollo Dilworth is Vice Dean and Professor of Choral Music Education in the Department of Music Education and Therapy at Temple University’s Center for the Performing and Cinematic Arts in Philadelphia, PA. His compositions and arrangements appear in the catalogs of Hal Leonard, Colla Voce and Santa Barbara Music Publishing. He has authored 3 books of choral warm up activities entitled Choir Builders. Dilworth is an active composer, guest conductor, clinician, and conference presenter.

SPEAKER: Nicolás Alberto Dosman

Nicolás Alberto Dosman

Dr. Nicolás Alberto Dosman was recently granted tenure and is an associate professor and Director of Choral Studies at the University of Southern Maine. He has taught public school in Miami, FL. He was the director of “Casita Sings” in the Bronx, NY. Dosman holds degrees from Oberlin, Florida State and TC, Columbia University. He has conducted ensembles at the regional, national and international levels. He is under contract to publish a choral music education book to be released in 2023.

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